For such a time as this…

First hours of the year 2000

As a team our international ministry felt to have a conference call with communion and prayer from where the sun rises until where it sets.

It was a prophetic prayer chain that started in Fiji and ended in Hawaii.

We were on Holiday in SA, but still living in Argentina.

When it was our turn to log-on and start praying for the Nations, God gave me an extra-ordinary vision. While we were praying as a team, I saw Hawaii as a Nation; in the form of a fisherman. Hawaii had a fishing-net in its hands and it was funny looking. Something I had never seen before. Only years later when we lived in Uganda (2007), when we stood on the banks of Victoria Lake I recognized the nets while fishermen were busy with their daily work. It was so profound when I saw these nets and I felt a powerful connection with God. I knew God was confirming and reminding me about the vision, 7 years ago, that early morning of the 1st of January 2000.

Hawaii was swinging this funny looking net in circles above its head, releasing it in the air and catching it again, just to release and catch it again. This was repeated about 5 to 7 times and then suddenly Hawaii released the net. I was watching as it traveled through the air and when it fell I stood amazed.

This is what the net looked like! (click on the link to see the net.)

It fell on top of the globe and started gliding to the bottom.  The net had three bottom ends that touched ground in 3 places;  Argentina, South-Africa and Australia. People came running and started to pull on these ends. As they pulled on the ends the net perfectly surrounded the whole globe. People from Argentina and Australia took their ends and fastened it to their boats; then they started rowing towards South Africa. When they arrived in Cape Town, South Africa, thousands of people came running to help pull on these three ends to bind them together and secure the net around the globe.


et cetera